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The ‘FinTech business’ is expanding rapidly in and around both the U.S. and China.
As investment is quite concentrated in the FinTech industry, related patents are trending up. Citations for FinTech payment patents by financial and IT companies are increasing sharply. The competition among financial and IT companies is becoming fierce accordingly.
The IPnomics report analyzed the FinTech industry centering on payment patents. To do this, the industry was divided into five segments as following △payment architecture △payment circuits △payment devices △payment method △payment protocols.
‘FINTECH WAR, WHO WILL COME OUT A WINNER?(Ⅰ)’ focused on 2 segments, △payment architecture and △payment circuits.
The largest number of patents was registered in the Payment Architecture amongst 5 segments of FinTech payment patent. The share of patent registrations in the last three years has been about 53%.
In the payment circuits segment, FinTech payment patents were the ones most frequently cited by global ICT companies. In this segment, citation count is increasing sharply although patent registration is displaying a downward trend.
Regarding the analysis on the Top5 FinTech key technologies and corporate networks, global FinTech industry seems to be led by the traditional financial companies followed by the global IT companies and startups rushing into the industry.
※Detail analysis on △payment devices △payment method △payment protocols is described in ‘FINTECH WAR, WHO WILL COME OUT A WINNER?(Ⅱ)’
Table of Contents
1. Summary
2. FinTech and the Business Environment
- The global FinTech Market
- Analysis on FinTech related patents
- FinTech strategies of global IT companies
3. FinTech Payment
- FinTech payment patents
4. Top 5 FinTech payment patent segments
- Payment Architecture
- Payment Circuits
- Payment Devices
- Payment Method
- Payment Protocols
5. Details of FinTech technologies (1) Payment Architecture
- Payment Architecture & Company Network
6. Details of FinTech technologies (2) Payment Circuits
- Payment Circuits & Company Network
7. Appendix
Aug. 2015 | Publisher : ETRC
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