South Korean Government to Introduce K-ICT Spectrum Plan


Domain of frequency that will help South Korea to lead in Industry 4.0 and global markets such as 5G network, self-driving cars, and IoT will double within the next 10 years. 

South Korean Government is going to increase frequency for mobile network which is only about 500MHz as of right now to 4.4GHz and increase overall width of frequency, which is 44GHz as of 2016, to 84GHz. It is going to expand autonomy of markets such as transfer and rental of frequencies and improve method of calculating spectrum price.
Ministry of Science, ICP and Future Planning (MSIP) is held ‘K-ICT Spectrum Plan Debate’, which is a debate for pioneering domain of future frequencies, at Meritz Hotel on the 22nd and announced its plan on next-generation’s frequencies.
This debate is a roadmap that will help South Korea to secure world’s largest mobile domain. K-ICT Spectrum Plan holds South Korean Government’s plans on how it will use frequencies from 2017 to 2026. It is going to double amount of frequencies that are used in variety of fields such as mobile network, new businesses, public organizations, and satellites by 2026. 

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MSIP is also going to establish plans on how it is going to use 40GHz, which is the amount of frequencies that are currently not developed yet, and secure total of 84GHz. It is expected that industries and services that utilize frequencies as a way of means to send data will grow as amount of frequencies doubles.
Frequencies for next-generation’s mobile network such as 5G and LTE, which are major infrastructures of mobile societies, will increase by ten times.
MSIP is going to newly secure 4.4GHz including 28GHz, which is a band for 5G frequencies, by 2026. In order to commercialize 5G network, which has emerged as a driving force for next generation, early, it is going to establish ‘plans on allocating 5G frequencies’ by 2018 and support South Korea’s mobile network providers to commercialize world’s first 5G network.
MSIP is also going to supply 26.2GHz of frequency for industrial lives that are prepared for Industry 4.0 and 11.6GHz to establish near-field intelligent wireless network such as network for IoT. It is also going to develop 12.6GHz so that unmanned vehicles such as AI robots and self-driving cars can use it and 2GHz and 1MHz for IoT-based sensors and radars for Smart Home and factories and wireless charging services for vehicles respectively. 

MSIP is also going to include frequencies for public organizations and security. In order to provide frequencies for militaries that are preparing for unmanned warfare and cyber wafer and to promote innovated services for firefighters and police offers, it is planning to secure total of 3,610MHz of new frequencies by 2026. Besides these, it is also going to supply total of 3,755 MHz of new frequencies by 2026 in order to provide UHD satellite broadcasting for Koreasat 7.
South Korean Government is going to improve policies on supply of frequencies so that they will strengthen autonomy of markets and efficiency.
South Korean Government is going to introduce a management system so that private companies can rent or transfer frequencies that they receive and that they can co-use frequencies. It is also going to reorganize standards of management for calculating spectrum price of 5G frequencies that have much more capacity compared to LTE. 

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“By utilizing enormous amount of frequencies that are prepared through K-ICT Spectrum, we are going to implement a mobile society that connects 2 billion devices to internet and where fastest transmission sped is 30Gbps by 2026.” said General Manager Choi Young-hae of MSIP’s Radio Signal Policy Bureau.
MSIP is going to apply opinions that were brought up from this debate and announce final plan in January of 2017.
Staff Reporter Park, Jisung | [email protected] & Staff Reporter An, Hocheon | [email protected] 

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